Friday, January 27, 2012

Gym Vim

Recently, I saw an ad recounting how a Complan Child grows much more rapidly than others. It reminded me that I had been in much the same position over the past few months – it had been a period of extremely rapid growth for me. With only one small difference – while the Complan Child gains rapidly in height, I had gained rapidly in girth! I had gained almost 10 kilos, that too almost exclusively around my middle :-/. People had started staring, and remarking with a sort of confused politeness, “You are looking .. errr.. healthy!” And that, as everyone in India knows, is Hinglish for “Oh boy, ARE you looking fat, or what!!”

Here are some statistics that drive home the point:

So, as it happens, for the first time in my life, I had to try and reverse this growth – I had to lose weight.

But how? Joining a gym was one option…

“Don’t join a gym,” advised my doctor. “They will make you do things you will get addicted to. Better stick to free hand exercises and long walks.”

“Don’t join a gym,” said my Ma. “They will fleece you!”

“Don’t join a gym,” said my husband. “You look cute this way too.”

“Don’t join a gym,” said my friend, Gautami. “Don’t you DARE lose those tyres – you belong to the ‘big league’ now– you are one of us!”

I joined a gym last week. It’s not that I wilfully wanted to go against the advice of almost everyone around me... somehow, I was convinced that those layers and layers of spare tyres would not go away by just walking and stretching a bit.

For the sake of economy and accessibility, I chose a gym close to my house. The equipment was rather dilapidated and the instructor was a mousey looking fellow with buck teeth and rather prominent biceps. As I started on the treadmill, I heard creaking sounds… I looked around with furrowed brow, thinking they were emanating from one or the other of the old machines surrounding me… but soon realised it was only my joints. They were more rusted and out of shape than all the old equipment around… :-/

Rusty equipment, rustier joints...

Having chosen a general time slot and not the ‘Ladies’ hours’ at the gym, I found all the others around me to be young guys whose purpose was quite different from mine. There were the body-builder types with bulging biceps, triceps and all the other kinds of ceps in the body.  There were skinny ones who after every bout of lifting weights gazed wistfully at their muscles as if to will them into prominence. And occasionally, there were the slightly plump ones - sweating it out on the treadmill, like me.

The mouse-with-biceps turned out to be quite a helpful bloke – I noticed him regularly and interestedly helping those who needed guidance on what exercises to do. Once in a while, he would even dole out some extra special treatment to us - giving a rather relaxing head massage, a sort of ‘champi’, while helping us do neck stretches after the work out! I found his diligence worthy of remark, since I know from experience that this is not always the case. A very expensive gym that I had joined briefly about 2 years ago, was well stocked with state-of-the-art equipment and numerous trainers. But the trainers would just loll around with the most disinterested air, coming to one’s aid reluctantly when specifically called upon to do so. The only thing that would galvanize them into action was when they spotted some new bakra at the gym, who could be induced to employ a ‘personal trainer’ (at a hefty extra cost, naturally!)

So at least for now I am rather glad that I did not go and join a very expensive gym where the rate at which you lose your money is faster than that at which you lose weight! I don’t know whether or not I can reverse the trends in Graphs 1 and 2, but right now I am having fun and look forward to my gym time daily. Now, let me go and look for that bottle of hair oil – I have been promised a proper ‘oil champi’ in my next session…

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Art of Laziness

Consider this scenario: You wake up with the sound of the alarm at 6 am or some such unearthly hour. The feeling inside you is 33.33% frustration, 33.33% anxiety and 33.33% anger against the world in general. You turn the alarm off and then turn over to take a snooze for 10 minutes before finally (and reluctantly) getting out of your bedclothes. A hurried brushing of teeth and other such stuff, and then it’s time to boot your laptop, to try and complete work pending from the previous day.  Breakfast gobbled up somehow, and then rushing off to work, all the time fearing you’ll miss the train/bus you need to catch and be marked late…

A long day at work, and then back home, dinner ingested, a few cursory words to the spouse and kids, and then to bed – with thoughts and worries related to work at the back of your mind at all times…

And the next morning, the same drill all over again…

The side effects of this kind of lifestyle: You tend to get tired.
Side effects of Lifestyle#1: Getting tired.

Now, consider this scenario: You wake up with the sound of your kids yelling out a ‘Bye Ma’ while going out to school. You manage a lazy half-shout - ‘Bye! Have fun!’, and then turn over in bed… content in the thought that you still have at least an hour’s sleep left…

If it happens to be a Saturday, it’s even nicer. After stretching your sleep to your heart’s content, you wake up and have a relaxed, unhurried breakfast. Then go for a walk in the hills with your daughter, soaking in the pleasant January sun. Stop at the hill top for a round of free hand exercises with her – bang in the middle of the road! (This would perhaps raise eyebrows on a normal city road, but we live in a sort of hamlet and there are very few walkers on this road.) Then walk down to a small park – and enjoy swinging gently on a swing under the shade of a banyan tree, while chatting about all kinds of things with your daughter…

The rest of the day is spent in doing a bit of writing, reading, cartooning, some shopping perhaps… and that most blissful of all blissful pastimes- an afternoon siesta! Come evening, have dinner with the family and then go for another long walk – this time with the spouse. Everything seems calm and unhurried – you feel ready to take on the world…

But, yes, there are side effects of this kind of lifestyle too: You tend to get 'tyred'. :)

Side effects of Lifestyle#2: Getting 'TYRED".

Yes, this is the idyllic life I am leading right now... and I am enjoying it to the hilt! Sure, there are pros and cons of each kind of lifestyle – other than getting 'tyred' (which has already happened to me), in this languorous lifestyle I miss the satisfaction of working on a challenging project... brainstorming on ideas and creating programmes and products that would bring about social change. But the satisfaction one gets from baking a perfect orange tea cake that is devoured with relish by young and old alike, is no less, believe me! The only thing is, leading a lazy, unhurried life is an art - and one has to learn to enjoy it without any guilt pangs... :)

Whatever else, I am truly glad that I decided to take this year-long vacation. I feel rested and refreshed and ready to take on any challenge... I think I’ll begin with the biggest one that I am facing right now – getting rid of the huge tyres around my middle that this ‘idyllic’ lifestyle has gifted me!